000 - NO MEN'S LAND A composition by cym

No Men's Land - A project by cym

Navigation / Presentation

The easiest way to navigate through the 'No Men's Land' project is from the starting map. Red dots on the abstract map show the real life locations where the original photos where taken. Clicking on one of the spots shows you the abstract composition made from the photo taken at this location. To see the the original photo on which the composition is based, click 'view source'.

On each page with an abstract composition there is a little area at the top -right that is a kind of small map. Each of these small maps is a collection of 12 links to related pages within the 'No Men's Land' project. The colors used in each map are based on the abstract composition. Inside the fields of the small map sometimes the number of the related page is written, sometimes not. A feeling of random is created, especially when there is no number written in the field.

One of the ideas behind the 'No Men's Land' project was that it should be possible to view the website also offline, for example in galleries, running the site from a cd or local drive. Therefor one of the restrictions in the construction of the page was not to use any server-side programming, like PHP. Thus, the small navigation system on the top right is hard-coded on each page. This makes it possible to run the website independent from a webserver. For the future a separate offline and online version are planned, the online version with a more interactive navigational map.

The project 'No Men's Land' is initially set up as a website, but there is also a presentation in video-format and in book-format. Technically the images are no longer HTML tables when presented as a video or printed in a book, however many people still feel more comfortable with browsing images inside a book than browsing images on a website. Since one of the ideas behind the 'No Men's Land' project is to make it accessable without the needs of any plugins or special programs, the book offers the possibility to view the project without the use of a computer at all...

The project 'No Men's Land' has emerged from the workshop 'Niemandsland' by Alien Productions at the Weinviertler Fotowochen in August 2004.

>> Workshop Niemandsland

Small presentations of the projects have been in:
Wolkersdorf, Austria (Austrian/Czech/Slovak border) - August 2004
Središče/Szerdahely, Slovenia (Slovene/Hungarian border) - June 2005
Topoló/Topolove, Italy (Italian/Slovene border) - July 2005
Mooste, Estonia (Estonian[EU]/Russian border) - August 2005


©ym 2004-2006 | cym.net | Last modified: Mon, May 22, 2006